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Changes to events or announcements
This page will be updated as changes occour.
Love and Light to everyone!
January 4, 2001 Happy New Year to all!!! We will be starting our one card Angel Message readings again on Jan.8, 2001 in our Chat room called Eternal Light Readings. Java Chat or via mIRC. If you would like a private or more exstensive reading you may contact me at Email reading request
READINGS!!! Eternal Light will now have Angel Card readings Very Monday Evening In the Eternal Light Readings Room Come hear the angel's messages! Mondays 7:30 PM PST 9:30 PM CST 10:30 PM EST Hope to see you there!
Click the Java Chat button below for mIRC information and Java access.
UPDATE: May 13/2000.
A few days ago my guide told me to bring a partener to this adventure. They even told me who it was to be.
Some of you know him as Trucker and some by his name Patric.
Welcome Patric (Trucker) to Eternal Light.
ANNOUNCEMENT: May 17, 2000
As of tomorow, Eternal Light will have four functioning chat rooms
our Eternal Light chat room this will be for regular chat sessions, classes to come, and topic discussions.
Eternal Light Chapel this will be for prayers, group prayers, and special events in healing
Eternal Light Readings this is where all the readings will be held
Eternal Light Friends this is the room for the silly antics and just for friends to meet chat and play games lol
We still don't allow profanity in any of our rooms See java chat page for policies
New News!
We are holding a fun night in Eternal Light Friends chat room. Begining this Thrusday Night May 25, 2000, there will be a games night to steam off and just enjoy! I sure hope you all will come, and bring some game ideas as well.
This Thursday we will have the Word Game

Please sign our guestbook I'd love to know you were here