Angel Oracle Card Readings by LALA


This page is to introduce you to what I do.

If you have read the other pages about me
you will know how this all came about and brought me to this point in my life.

I have been doing the Angel Oracle card readings for about one year now
and have found the Angels to be a Wonderous Joy to work with.

Their Love is never ending and they are with us always!

Some of you may know that I do a weekly one card reading session
in the Eternal Light Reading Room.

This is held on Monday evenings at 7:30 pm PST

The way I do these readings is to pray to God and ask for the Angels to bring the information that this person is in need of knowing.
We don't always get what we want "But what we need".

I shuffle the cards asking the angels to tell me when to stop.
My ability to feel/hear them tells me when that is.
At that point I ask the person to give me a number from 1-44
(the number of cards in the deck)
I then read what that card means
and focus on this person to recieve any messages or information
that comes from the angels.

This is what you can expect from a one card reading.
And please remember we all have free will, so anything can be changed
according to your own thought process and actions in your life.

Also please understand, that there is no Psychic who is 100% in any readings.
Some information has to be interpreted.
With that I do hope you join us on Monday evenings for a Free One Card Angel reading

Chat Page Info

If you are in interest of recieving a private reading
or a more extensive reading
such as a three card (past, present, future) spread of cards
or A One Year Card Spread
you may contact me by email at the address below
by clicking onto the email button.

I do hope that you get as much from this place as I do
Much Love to you all!!!
In His Love

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